Because I have such a rotten immune system, I’ve been sick. Again. For over a week now. Don’t know what it is – a really bad cold? A half-hearted sinus infection? Whatever it is, it’s not the flu, so I’m counting my blessings. However, my beautiful daughter Lauren came to visit yesterday to make me feel better. And also to do her laundry.
In the way that Lauren and I communicate, she was telling me about someone she’s having to deal with who has apparently majored in being a jerk, with honors – which, of course, made me think about one of my favorite Far Side cartoons. So I showed her the cartoon. That, of course, made Lauren think of something she came across, which she showed me, and it made me laugh out loud and feel a lot better. So I thought I’d share both things with my Wayward Friends. This is the only proof I need that God has a sense of humor.
Lauren and I recommend the following when you need a good laugh and a better state of mind! Just click on the bright pink item and it will link you to the site.
Fair warning: it helps if your sense of humor is a little twisted.
For those who are a little less inclined to twisted humor, this might be a better fit to put you in a better frame of mind. It’s super cool!
If you liked the Old Movie Stars Dancing video, the Rita Hayworth video is amazing too!
Anyway, I hope all of my Wayward Friends are doing well as we begin March Madness. Oh, wait! I think that’s a basketball term. What the hell – the Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom and it’s a beautiful blue sky day and pretending to be early spring and I’m sick as a dog! It’s madness, I tell you. Sheer madness!