I’ve been wanting to introduce y’all to our brood…both the two-legged and four-legged variety. Finally, that day is today! We have four grown adults, four cats and two dogs living in our home. All at the same time! I know, right? We haven’t even killed each other yet. My loved ones are who I’ve been shut-in with for most of 2020!
First the two-legged variety ∼
First, this is my husband David. Y’all know David. I’ve written a lot about him. Recently. Here he is today looking cool, calm and serene — just like I like him!
This is Ryan. He’s strong and has a wonderful sense of humor and a very kind heart. He loves to draw and he loves his music. He helped me with the video of Iggy playing in the water below. Actually, Lauren took the video. Ryan uploaded or is it downloaded the thing to my computer? Sorry, my friend Sarah and probably Lille (maybe) have both tried to educate me about this…I’m a terrible student regarding technical things. Ry’s the best!
Next is my badass daughter, Lauren. Every animal in our house loves her like no other. I need to start calling her Elly Mae. She works her butt off, usually at the best seat in the house when she’s working from home.
I’m allergic to having my picture taken. However, I think this one is okay-ish. It was taken last February when for a brief period of time, Dallas had its own Leaning Tower of Dallas. Yes, that’s me holding up the building. It’s good to have that kind of power. Ha!
Now meet our four-legged members. We’ll start with the Queen and work our way down ∼
This is Birdie. She is the queen. The disputed queen because Millie wants to be queen. Come to think of it, Merlin does too, but Bird’s the queen, nevertheless. This is my favorite picture of Birdie. This is her, “I knew you would come home eventually and now everything is perfect,” look. She’s very happy and satisfied that Lauren’s home and that she’s finally getting the adoration she deserves from the person she wants it from the most.
Birdie’s brother is Growleth. He’s a handsome guy with kidney problems and a complete wuss. Always has been. That’s okay. Birdie’s always looked out for him. Y’all met him in April 2018 when he was a very sick boy kitty. He’s doing fine now. (Knock on wood!) He’s on the kitchen windowsill and not impressed with anything.
Merlin is our Russian Blue who’s really gray but looks a little mauve in the picture. I don’t know why. He’s our oldest kitty and swishes like no other. He’s also a creeper and serial baby bunny killer. What can I say? We love him even if we don’t condone his nefarious proclivities. Yes, he’s sitting on the toilet. Like I said —creeper! Here’s his mug shot.
The newest cat to our household is Milkshakes aka Millie. She thinks this is her house, and we all just need to get the hell out of her way while still waiting on her hand and foot! She’d be a complete badass if it weren’t for Iggy, her arch nemesis who keeps her in her place. Birdie does the same, I guess. Well, she and Birdie get into screaming matches. All. The. Time. Merlin, Growleth and Buddy are pretty much scared of her. She’s fearless except when it comes to Iggy and Birdie.
Y’all pretty much know Buddy if you’re a long-time reader. I’ve written more about Buddy than any other, except maybe David. Now that Lauren’s home, he’s decided he’s her dog. Keep wishing, Bud. When she’s around, he has eyes for no one else. Stupid damned dog.
Last but not least, this cute little cuddle bug is Iggy. She has a lot of nicknames, but Piggy Princess is the one I bestowed upon her because she makes little piggy noises and will eat just about anything. She loves playing in the water which is what we do on a daily basis when I water my herbs. Okay, I’ve never downloaded a video from my phone before and there’s no way I could have without the help from Ryan, but here’s Ig playing in the water. She also usually resides underneath my desk when I’m typing.
Anyway, this is all I have for today! Except ~
I hope everyone has a sparkling Fourth of July weekend! Stay safe and I’ll see you on the flipside!
Also, to my Canadian Wayward Friends, I hope you had a wonderful and safe Canada Flag Day on the First!
Sparkles, y’all,
Adorbs! What a great family, you’re very lucky. Iggy is so cute… that nose!!
Hey CG,
That’s very kind of you to say! They’re a good bunch! Mona
Everyone is beautiful, both 4 legged and 2. Stay safe and plant some tomatoes!
Ooh, I did plant two tomatoes with my herbs. Beefeaters. I see little flowers starting to bloom. I’m hoping that means tomatoes pretty soon. I’ll let you know how it goes. Have a safe and happy 4th, my friend!
Watch out for horned worms. Those little buggers will eat your ‘crop’ before you know you have one! Ugly, too.
Horned worms?!!!! Ew. No one told me about anything like that!!!! Thanks for the heads up. I have some research to do!
It’s so good to see your forehead again! And amazing how much Lauren favors you!
Hey Lille,
Thanks, that’s my winter forehead. From a physiological standpoint, Lauren is a good combo between her bio dad and me. From a personality standpoint, boy does she take after David. Amazing! Just think, a year ago, we would all be heading out to Tulsa. No masks. No thoughts of wearing masks or pandemics or anything that’s happened. What a difference a year can make. Weird, huh? 🙂
Omg.. I love your fur babies. Such characters!
Oh yeah, and the humans aren’t bad either.
Hey River,
Characters are exactly what the humans and the fur babies are! Tons of drama to go with each as well. 😉 Have a great 4th of July. By the way, did you know that Taylor Momsen is in the Portland area of Maine? Anywhere close to you guys? Cuz all Cindy Lou Who wants to do these days is rock, rock, ROCK!!!!!!
What a gorgeous family!!
Awww shucks! Thanks a bunch. They’re pretty good eggs. Mona
Even if we had little else in common, I feel like we’re kindred spirits on the shared basis of being “terrible regarding technical things” (such as, is it downloaded or uploaded?) Fortunately, I (like you) have family help available when problems arise, otherwise my vocabulary of foul language would be much more extensive than it is.
Anyway, I enjoyed meeting the fam — not that I give a damn.
(JUST KIDDING — I have the unfortunate habit of never being able to resist a bad pun). 😉
Something else we have in common — I thought you were very punny and laughed! Have a great weekend. See you on the flipside! Mona
Ha! I love how you included full pictures of everyone else, then when you get to you, you’re like, “This is actually an ok picture of me,” and then it’s just the top of your head! I guess I’ll just have to trek my happy ass out to Texas and meet you in person if I ever want to know what you look like. 😉
Yes, please! Have a great fourth. Enjoyed talking wall color and furnishings with you during the wee hours last night! Mona
Awww, so nice of you to introduce your family. And each one is wonderful with his/her own personality. Like you, I don’t know whether I’m downloading or uploading (from computer to Kindle to my brain). What’s important is that we’re “loading,” right? 🙂 Smiled at the photo of you. As suspected, you’re a cutie. Happy 4th!
Hey Pam,
“Loading” is always a good thing. “Loaded?” All depends. Ha! Happy 4th of July! Mona
Hi Mona. I loved looking at these pictures of your family. Really great x hope you are all well x
Hey Pip,
So glad you stopped by! I miss the conversations you, Kat, Allen and I used to have about the differences between English and American food! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Hope we speak again soon, my friend! Mona
A gorgeous group—no wonder you’re so proud of them!
Thanks, Suzanne! 🙂 ~ M
Enjoyed meeting your family, Mona.
I saw a cartoon you might find appropriate: two panels of the same imperious-looking kitty.
Text for the first: “Don’t touch me until you’ve washed your hands.”
Text for the second: “Also, don’t touch me.”
That’s too funny and sounds just about right for at least two of our cats! I’m so glad you got a chance to meet my peeps and pets! Mona
Absolutely LOVED meeting the fam! Your kids are the Bomb! David and the furry ones are great too! Thanks, Mona. Fun to see the crew!
Kim Johnson
Hey Kim,
I’m so glad we’re going to be able to keep up via Facebook now. Also glad you got to meet those who keep me going on a day-to-day basis! At least I think that’s what they do! I hope you had a peaceful Fourth of July and wishing you a stress-free rest of the summer, my friend! Are you enjoying your newest location? I bet it’s very different from Texas! Mona
A lovely insight into who is who in your family. All of it. I’m like you about being allergic to having my pic taken. I figure not knowing what I look like contributes to my midwestern woman of mystery vibe.
Hey Ally,
I’ve had the blog for a while and decided that since I mention family members so frequently, y’all might as well have some idea of who I’m writing about. I’ve never heard of a midwestern woman of mystery vibe, but it sounds charming. 🙂 Mona