Getting Lost in Van Gogh


Last Friday, Lauren and I went to the Van Gogh exhibit in Dallas. The immersive Van Gogh exhibit. Okay, first of all, I thought it was at the DMA. *loud obnoxious buzzer sound* Boy was I wrong about that!

This will probably be the only time you’ll hear me say this but, it’s a good thing my daughter was driving because I damned near got us lost. And that’s saying something because Lauren is as directionally-challenged as you can get. Of course, I thought we were going to the Dallas Museum of Art and not Lighthouse Dallas, which shouldn’t be confused with The Lighthouse Church in the D/FW area. I’ve heard of the church, but I didn’t even know we had a museum in Dallas named The Lighthouse. So yea, it’s also good that Lauren knows how to use her GPS on her phone.

What the Heck Is It?

Wait…do they consider The Lighthouse an actual museum or more of a theatre? A hybrid? Something completely different? It’s kind of confusing because it’s not like it was set up with original works of art to ponder. It was an immersive experience of animated Van Gogh works of art projected around the four walls of the room, fading in and out of other Van Gogh works with synchronized music playing in the background. Is it wrong of me to have wanted to hear the song “Starry, Starry Night” by Don McLean when Van Gogh’s The Starry Night enveloped us? I don’t care if it was, that’s what I wanted. But then again, I probably would have ended up in tears…and I was wearing mascara…so never mind what I wanted and, thank you, whoever thought of this in advance when choosing music.

Also, never fear, that’s what YouTube is for, my Wayward Friends, with which I’ve provided you at the end.


Most of us sat on the floor in the middle of the room wearing our Covid Masks, of course; just taking it all in. Once you were in the exhibit proper, you could stay as long as you liked. You could watch the entire 30 minute film as many times as you liked in any one of the three rooms they showed this film. We stayed through part of a second viewing in a different room, but we didn’t get a very good seat in there. Frankly, I’d had all of the sitting on the floor my body could handle.

It’s also a good thing I’ve been stretching and I’ve lost a few pounds and I wasn’t wearing a dress; otherwise, this could easily have turned out to be a humiliating experience. As it was, one poor man needed extra help in getting off the floor because he sure wasn’t able to do it by himself! Hey, I’ve been there and that is no fun.


I will say this, though — if I had to get lost somewhere, this is where I’d want to get lost.

Is it wrong of me to want to have a room in my own house where I could project this exhibit throughout to experience over and over again? Note to self, when I win the Big Time Lottery, check into this! Of course I’d outfit the room with a very comfortable bean bag or two. It’d be nice to sometimes have a laser light show to alternate with the Van Gogh projection.

Laser Light Shows

Has anyone else seen a laser light show set to rock music? As a teen, we used to go to the State Fair of Texas and do the laser light show, which was set up in a tent in the Midway where all of the rides were. We’d lie back on bean bags and listen to three songs from Bad Company, Boston and maybe Foreigner…I think they had three different shows with different music selections in each one…but all of the songs were classic rock synched up with the light show, which was pretty amazing. Might some of us in that tent been slightly altered when we watched? Yeah, that’s a good chance.

All I know is if they ever bring back the Pink Floyd Laser Light Show, I definitely want to experience that as well. I never got to see it back in the day. Holy Pink Floyd, y’all! It’s coming in October. This October! Okay, I have to wrap this post up soon because I have plans to make, peeps! There’s so many things I’ve missed through the years. I never got to see Stone Temple Pilots either! Or Led Zeppelin! *sigh* And don’t you know that when you exit an event like the Pink Floyd Laser Light Show, everyone’s eyes are going to be red and the distinct smell of gonja will perfume the air! If I ever go, I have this friend who I’m definitely taking with me! Yep, I definitely have a few phone calls to make!


Okay, back to the Van Gogh exhibit — We also walked through their gift shop filled with Van Gogh everything. Need a Starry Night yoga mat? They had it. Need a mask? For twenty dollars and some change, you had your choice between four of Van Gogh’s works. Keychain? Yep. Coffee mug? Absolutely. Hey, you could get coasters to go with your coffee mug. And who doesn’t need and want a Van Gogh lanyard? My daughter surprised me with a book about our Van Gogh experience! She’d prepaid for it when she got the tickets, and we went to pick it up right before we left. She shouldn’t have, but I’m so glad she did. Thank you, my Love!

Lauren and I don’t get the opportunity to hang out very often, but it was the perfect afternoon with the perfect person. We had a delicious lunch on our way to the exhibit, we caught up on each others’ lives and then we enjoyed the exhibit.

The Fashion Police and 

As we left the museum, a couple of guys/staff asked my daughter about her outfit. They were admiring her style. She was dressed adorably in a dress with what we used to call fanny packs…this was like an upscale fanny pack that she wore around her waist. I thought the guys were hitting on her. Lauren assured me that she experienced something much better than getting hit on. These guys were what amounted to the fashion police in Dallas…and they had nothing but fabulous compliments for her. Snaps, Baby!

Other Staff and 

Lastly, as we left, a couple of other staff members outside told us that the exhibit goes through December if we wanted to come back. One of these two ladies also added that they’re presently updating the venue and it will soon house a restaurant and bar.

Altered States of Mind

Lauren commented that she loved how surreal the exhibit was and wondered if they’re going to exhibit other artists. The other staff woman said that was the plan, though they weren’t privy to who the next artist would be. We all thought that Dali would be freaking amazing…that you wouldn’t even need to take anything to alter your state…if you’re into that sort of thing…all you needed to do is show up. But even at this event, Lauren was sure she saw a few people with altered states of mind.

I said dropping acid while experiencing something like that…wow! I could definitely see people doing that. One of the staff started laughing and said that she knew a couple who had…then she quickly added, “not that I really know them or anything.” The expression on her face when she realized what she’d just said to me, a patron and a stranger…I guess she realized just how much trouble she could get in if I reported her. “It’s perfectly fine if you did know them though,” I said, trying to put her mind at ease. “I could definitely see how one might want to do something to enhance one’s state to enjoy the show even that much more.” She laughed and we all said goodbye.

Full of Greatness

It was time for Lauren and me to go before we hit afternoon traffic on a Friday…in downtown Dallas.

There’s so many things to be grateful (why isn’t it written “greatful”?) for in this life…hanging with my daughter on a gorgeous early September day is definitely one of the best and I thank God Almighty for the opportunity! Well, Lauren, too! And the Van Gogh exhibit? I hope you find someone who enjoys art and/or greatness…and y’all get a chance to experience this for yourselves when it comes to your neck of the woods!

Also, I used to watch Dr. Who back in the day, but it’s been years! When we got to the house, Lauren had one more thing she wanted me to experience. Well, here it is, see for yourself. If you don’t cry, check your pulse because you’re probably dead. Sorry in advance to anyone who’s wearing mascara!

The next cultural event Lauren and I are taking in is Hamilton. That’s in October. Oooh, maybe we’ll get to do two cultural events!




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I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend and have an awesome week ahead!



PS: Of course we just marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11 this past Saturday. I spent most of the day watching The History Channel, just like I do every 9/11. I won’t forget and I cry every time. You’d think I’d be over it by now, but it’s raw and brutal every time I see what our country endured on that day! I wrote about this in 2012 and if you’d like, you can go back and read what I had to say about it here. I’ve been thinking about what’s transpired in my life, in our lives since 9/11. I’d like to say there’s so much good that’s happened since, but I dunno. What do y’all think?

Boo, from Welcome to My Little Corner of the Institution, suggested that I watch the following. I’ve never seen this video before today, and I warn you, it’s graphic and disturbing…and as Boo herself describes it, “heart wrenching.” It’s about the iconic picture that captures a man falling to his death on 9/11. If you are sensitive, please consider not watching this. For those who can watch this, it’s a reminder of lives lost, of people having to make the best decision out of the two worst decisions possible on this day, of terror that gripped this country and then united us in our resolve to never let this happen again. It’s almost unbearable to even think about! Yet, it’s important that we not forget less we doom ourselves to have history repeat itself.


20 thoughts on “Getting Lost in Van Gogh”

  1. What an awesome trip you and your daughter had! What a feast for the senses, it sounds just wonderful. I love Van Gogh, but if I had a chance to see an artists exhibition, it would definitely be Johannes Vermeer. I’d love to see his works, even thought some may think his works are a bit subdued or even dull. But I love his use of color and his technique. I’m so glad you had a great time 😁

    • Huntress,
      “Feast for the senses!” Yes, that’s exactly what this was! Lauren and I had so much fun! Vermeer of “Girl with the Pearl Earring” fame? I think the Dutch painters brought such gorgeous brilliance and such intricate detail to their work. I want to believe they also used symbolism in their paintings…a dog representing loyalty, etc. I wonder what the pearl earring represented…other than a pearl earring? I believe they’re also the ones who came up with oil painting if I remember my art appreciation class. So I can definitely understand how you’d love Vermeer! I hope a Vermeer exhibition or, perhaps, a larger exhibition of Dutch painters from The Golden Age including Vermeer comes to town. That would be wonderful to see!

    • Barbara,
      I hope you are well and all is good in your world. I’m glad this was a good outlet for you. How are you, my friend?

  2. My daughter and I saw immersive Van Gogh when it was here. I really enjoyed it. I love the way of using tech to update something from the past.

    • LA,
      Oh, I’m so glad you and your daughter got to enjoy this too! I was amazed at how they were able to bring in bits and pieces of his works and animate them and how they were able to move from one painting to another so seemlessly. Unreal but so cool!

    • Boo,
      I’ve watched numerous times on TV the video of people jumping from the building that day. That made me burst out in tears. It still does as I found out last Saturday. They also have video from inside the building where people were landing on the roof…dead from jumping. You hear the thumps. If there was ever the horror of being there on that day… I didn’t realize there was a video entitled “The Falling Man.” I just watched it…it’s an iconic photo…and you’re right…heart wrenching. I’ll share the link to the video above and here if anyone wants to watch. However, it is graphic and it’s disturbing…it’s a man falling to his death on 9/11. One should never forget that day, what happened that day, what some were forced to do on that day. Thank you for sharing this, my friend! Everyone who decides to watch this…be warned that this is graphic and disturbing and incredibly difficult to watch. Mona
      Here’s the link:

  3. In 2019, I went to Amsterdam and visited the Van Gogh museum. I can truly say it’s one of the most amazing things I have ever done. I fell in love with him, his story, and his art. There is so much more to him than just the guy who cut off his ear. I was overwhelmed with emotion as I wound my way through the museum. I then went to Paris and was SO excited to see Starry Night but when I got there, a sign was up saying it was currently being shown at MOMA. 😩 I was so disappointed, I almost cried! I am so glad you and your daughter were able to enjoy the exhibit in Dallas. It sounds like it was pure magic. The lights etc. would have brought it to life, I can’t imagine. Ahh, I just get so excited about anything Van Gogh. Anyway, I am carrying on! Hope you are doing well and taking good care. Sounds like you doing exactly that. xo

    • Hey Tanya,
      How exceptionally wonderful to be able to go to Amsterdam and Paris to see Van Gogh paintings! I’m so glad you got the opp0rtunity to experience that! Have you seen the immersive Van Gogh exhibit? If not, I think you’d enjoy it and I hope you get to check it out. Also, I’m glad to hear you are carrying on. You’re an amazing writer and I’m glad you are blogging again, my friend! I’ve missed you. Until next time, happy writing and sending lots of love your way. Mona

      • Aww, Mona, you are lovely. Thank you for saying that; it gave me a much-needed boost of confidence and a nudge to keep writing. I missed being here with you, so it feels good to be back!

        The immersive Van Gogh is currently playing in Vancouver, and after reading about your experience, I am gonna check it out. It sounds like just what I need!

        Lots of love to you, Mona. Hope you have a fabulous weekend. xo

  4. There is one way in which history repeats itself that’s actually good: getting to see Van Gogh’s work up close and personal, or, in your case, getting immersed in it. It sounds like it was a really cool experience, even without chemical enhancement, and I think Vincent would have loved it too. There’s an artist, whose name I can’t find at the moment, who painted a seascape on the walls of a circular room and then had the floor covered with sand so it was like really being at the beach. Vincent thought that was amazing.
    Also I have some ideas for other painters, but one I hope they DON’T do is Francis Bacon (the 20th century painter, not the 16th century writer) because his works are disturbing enough as it is.
    And I’m really looking forward to hearing about the Pink Floyd laser show. As a kid I’d sit in the dark and listen to Dark Side Of The Moon and, you know, even without any enhancement it’s very evocative. The Wall, on the other hand, well, that can get a bit like a Francis Bacon painting. A friend told me she once dropped some windowpane, if you catch my drift, on a night the local radio station played The Wall in its entirety. A few years later she went to see the movie and sat through it saying, “I’ve already seen this!”
    Since you mentioned Doctor Who I’d also like to suggest you go back, and it wouldn’t hurt to start with the current Doctor because she’s freakin’ amazing. And her outfit is fabulous.

    • Christopher,
      It was amazing, even without any chemical enhancement; and I imagine Vincent would have wept. If you ever figure out who that artist is, I’d love to know. Personally, I have no problem with provocative and sometimes disturbing art…to get one out of one’s comfort zone…to think and feel and re-imagine…however, I get enough disturbing stuff happening in life without going to look for it. I think it’s definitely necessary, though! Okay, I just looked up FB the artist. And there’s a video that I started watching, I’ll have to get back to it. So I’ve only glanced at his artwork on the website, but clearly he started out with cubist works in the 1920’s and evolved from there. There is a sense of ominousness (is that a word) and darkness (there’s a lot of black, right?) but I love that he continues to use much of the technique used by cubist artists throughout his oeuvre. So was the artist who did The Wall influenced heavily by Bacon? Because I’ve seen a little of the art from The Wall here and there and then I looked at a couple of Bacon’s works and then I thought, was he also the artist that did the artwork for The Wall; could Christopher be testing me, using a little tongue-in-cheek humor to see if I’m paying attention? But then I checked it out and some other guy was the artist for The Wall. I have a feeling you know a whole lot more about this and could really enlighten some of us who are interested. Could this be a new post for you, my friend? (Say yes, please!) Yeah, and I don’t seem to be able to get any takers to go with me to the Pink Floyd Laser Light Show. I’m remembering why I haven’t gone yet. Not going by myself. The same with The State Fair of Texas, which is just around the corner as well. I haven’t given up hope yet, so that remains to be seen. And if I do get to go (fingers crossed), you know I’ll write about it here. I may write about it if I don’t get to go. If that turns out to be a rant, I apologize in advance. That’s hysterical about your friend having seen The Wall before she saw The Wall. Stuff like that will do that to you. Alas, I still haven’t seen The Wall…in my imagination or for real. Now you know why I get so excited about getting to do anything! I read on The Bloggess that she’s trying a new treatment for depression by taking ketamine (under doctor’s supervision, of course.) She was describing some interesting experiences when she was doped up. Also I was watching a docu-series on the history, current state and potential future of mental health treatments. One treatment they were exploring was the use of MDMA for people who are dealing with PTSD. It hasn’t been FDA approved for that or legalized at this writing, but I guess it seemed to help some who were willing to try it out. (Very loudly, ONE SHOULD NEVER DO ILLEGAL DRUGS AND SO JUST SAY NO! — that’s my best Nancy Reagan impersonation, BTW! Seriously, I don’t want anyone doing anything stupid and then saying that I condoned or encouraged their stupidity on my blog or anywhere else. That’s not what I’m doing, so don’t think that and don’t do that, y’all!) Also, I think I’ve found a bonafide Dr. Who fan! Do you think I could just “drop in” and be okay without having to go back and watch all the years I’ve missed? I don’t even know where to find it. I want to remember that it used to be on PBS, but I’m not even sure about that anymore. Face it, I’m not sure about much…especially, the older I get! I hope all is well with you, Christopher! See you on your blog, my friend! Mona

  5. Beautiful trip. I wish I could see it, too! Actually, I wanted to go to museums here as well but I will have to wait until next month after I finalize my vaccinations – four jabs by then. Whew. Then, I would be able to enjoy and relax like you!

    • M&M,
      The most important thing is your health, of course! I’m glad you’re close to the end of your vaccinations. Four jabs? Wow! I know things are different where you are…here, with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, we got two doses. Now they’re considering a third booster shot…lots of craziness about do we really need it or not…I’m totally confused…but you’re getting four doses. Amazing! I do hope you get to see some of the museums and experience lots of wonderful cultural events while you’re in Germany. And plenty of rest, too! So glad you stopped in to say hi! Mona

  6. Another great post. Now I want to experience the immersive Van Gogh exhibit, and take in a laser light show to the sound of Led Zeppelin! Luckily, my youngest, the artist, lives nearby and loves doing stuff like this. I’m glad you and Lauren got to experience this together. And that clip from Dr. Who-wow! I’ve never seen the show but something tells me I’d like it. Beautiful!

  7. Rhonda, OH MY GOD, YESSSSSSS! Why don’t they have a Led Zeppelin Laser Light Show?!!!!! I might actually go to that one alone…of course, if my husband didn’t take me to that…that would be actual grounds for divorce. Just saying. I hope you and your daughter get a chance to see immersive Van Gogh. It sounds like they’re going to do this with other artists as well. Fingers crossed. Also, do you say Gogh like “go” or like “gof” which is the first time I’ve heard it pronounced that way on the Dr. Who clip? This came up in writer’s group on Wednesday. M


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